07540 269 600 | paul.castle@paulcastle.com
Our data protection policy details our commitment to protecting your personal data. We will only use this information in a fair, lawful and transparent way – and only for the purposes outlined below. Your information will be kept accurately and securely.
When is your data recorded.
When you contact us for a quotation or place an order for our services.
What details of your data do we record.
We record your name, details, billing addresses, PO, plus emails, telephone & website addresses.
How is your data used.
To process your appointments, and manage the projects, to respond to questions &amendments.
This information enables us to aid any future communications, and a record of all previous discussion/written documents.
How is your data protected.
The importance of the security of our Clients data is of the highest priority and therefore we take every step to ensure we treat all your data is fully protected.
How long do we keep your data.
Our Policy is thus:
Traffic Data – Infinitum on our archive unless requested to be removed.
Traffic CCTV Images – 6 Months
All other forms of data, files, correspondence is 10 years unless requested to be removed.
Do we share your data with anyone.
We only share data with the Client who has made the appointment for our services, and/or their representative (upon receipt of clearance to do so). We don’t not share data with any other party, and the ownership of any such data is held by Paul Castle Associates Limited until full payment has been received by the Client whereupon the rights are transferred and held by them.
Equally, we only use Third Party trusted suppliers required to complete Projects, such as Printers or Couriers.
Your rights about your data
You have the right to request full access to any data we hold about yourselves. Information regarding any changes to your data can be updated at any time – We believe it is important to be notified to any changes to keep it accurate and current. In the event of any changes, we would request that in order to protect your confidentiality, we would request verification of your identify whether personal or Company before proceeding. Furthermore, you can remove your consent regarding your data at any time by contacting is at the addresses/details above.
Paul Castle – Paul Castle Associates Limited