07540 269 600 | paul.castle@paulcastle.com
Paul Castle Associates is now the UK leader in undertaking Drone Surveys.
Within the team are 2 Fully Qualified CAA/IAA Pilots whom can assess any particular application and advise the best methodology taking into consideration the current guidelines and legislation.
Drone Surveys are a perfect way to see how large Intersections really work and also perfect for identifying and assessing Queues lengths rather than the subjective manner in which they have traditionally been recorded. Empirical evidence from these Drone surveys can not be refuted and are Ideal to rebutt claims that queues are impacting the Network.
Within our armoury of equipment are both short term and longer term Drones that can be tethered if required to give longer recording time to cover AM/PM peaks – or a full 12 hours if required.
By using Paul Castle Associates you are guaranteed the highest level of commitment to enable you to find the traffic data solutions for all your needs.
07540 269 600